Maryke Hansen, Design Studio Coordinator at The Blue Room, shares her research and insights into working remotely, as well as the pros and cons thereof. I won’t go into detail ...
Being in an agency environment where creatives have to constantly think of new, fresh and trendy concepts is fantastic. A creative’s work space is incredibly important, as it has the ...
Interning can be a nerve-racking experience, as you, the student, steps into a new working environment with numerous professionals observing you. You need to have a level of professionalism, yet ...
South Africa’s current economic status impacts all of us. The drought, tax increase and rising petrol prices have forced us to reconsider our spending. Gone are the days where we ...
"In a shopping centre facing the mountain, was the seed of career growth sown. As an acorn to an oak tree this student has solidly grown." An eight to twelve ...
I often find myself bewildered at how so few companies, organizations, and businesses do not have a digital marketing strategy – especially, when it comes to their social media. In ...